How quickly this time has come! One day it’s Band-aids on skinned knees and the next they are applying for college! Even with great planning on your part, the college application process can be tough. We are here to make life easier and preserve, even enhance the relationship between you and your college-bound child. It really IS possible!
Parents, please consider this YOUR Resource Room. An online space where you can drop in and browse our most recent content to help alleviate the stress of applying to college. This page is ALWAYS growing and your continued input will make it even better! Drop us an email about things that come up for you in this process of applying for college including other books, resource links, dorm ideas, study systems, or information you would like to see here or in the Student lounge.
Resources for Applying to College
Here at Spark College Consulting we think you should have plenty of information at your fingertips. To that end we have a Resource Page for returning clients and those applying to college DIY. There is plenty to explore and more to come as the website grows and we curate additional content to help anyone applying to college. Resources include:
- Book nods re the Admissions Process
- College Research Resources
- Financial Aid Resources
For those working directly with Spark College Consulting we offer personalized resources available via Private Login Only. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to learn more about this exclusive section of the Student Lounge and the college life info within it please be in touch!
Applying to College – Schools to Consider
Pomona College, the oldest and largest of the five undergraduate colleges. With its stucco buildings, tree-lined streets and wide green lawns, Pomona is very warm and inviting. It is a very residential college, and 99% of freshmen live on campus. Although it has approximately 1600 students, it is part of a larger community of almost 7,000 students, giving undergrads there the best of both worlds. Pomona is a highly respected, academically focused college with a broad range of classes and majors.
More to Come for Returning Clients
Pinterest boards about the great colleges our clients plan to attend
College Campus Photos and Schools on Instagram & Flickr
Tips for Parents of College Bound Students